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Project Management | Digital Badges for CI

Project Management

This project was proposed by Dr. Jaime Hannans, Assistant Professor of Nursing.

This project was initially supported through CSU Channel Islands Foundation Fund award. Support provided allowed for the Credly Pro Account to create, house, and deliver badges to students. Support also allowed for IT student worker hours to design the badges, support video recording and editing to explain the project last spring. Lastly support allowed for digital badges faculty training materials such as t-shirts, flash drives with information about the digital badges, and brochures about the project.

The CSU Nursing Program has continued to support the project into the 2016-2017 academic year. Digital badge informational brochures are available in the nursing office in addition to continued support for the Credly Pro Account. Jaime Hannans continues to be the primary project manager.

Nursing student, Yosemite Olivo, is currently working on the project, managing data, reviewing badge criteria, and updating literature and research available on digital badges to date. New badges are under consideration for development related to Influenza Immunization Vaccine Education, leadership experiences, and civility in nursing.

Margaret Casas, worked with Dr. Hannans on the project through her leadership course work in the RN-BSN program Spring 2016, assisting in the literature behind digital badges and creating the initial criteria for each of the badges. Student workers Ben Hytrek and Victor Martinez worked to complete video editing and badge design, along with support in using Credly. Kristi Oneil-Gonzalez assisted in video recording and coordination with student workers through IT. Michael McGarry assisted with the design of t-shirts and flash drives for faculty development.

DB Group

A big thank you to all the team members for their support and efforts on this project!

For further questions on this project please email jaime.hannans@csuci.edu

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
