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HIPAA Training for Student Nurses | Digital Badges for CI

HIPAA Training for Student Nurses


Badge Name:  HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Training for Student Nurses

Target Audience: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Students

Description: A clear understanding of HIPAA regulations and policies is required by all nursing students in clinical rotations and/or in situations where they are working with patients. Training is required for CSU Channel Islands Nursing students to remain in compliance with HIPAA practices.

Criteria:  Individuals who earned this badge completed the HIPAA module provided by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Tutorial Skills Modules. The module includes a pretest, post-test, and lessons titles. ATI HIPAA Skills Module lessons include step-by-step viewing modules and one practice challenge. The ATI Skills Modules lessons are as follows: Terminology/Enunciator, Step-by-Step Viewing (all modules); Accepted Practice-HIPAA in the Work Place; Practice Test 1; Accepted Practice-HIPAA Privacy Rules, Coding & Billing; Accepted Practice-HIPAA Administrative Function; Accepted Practice-HIPAA & Research; Step-by-Step Viewing-Privacy; Practice Test 2; Step-by-Step Viewing-Clergy Visits, Communication; Step-by-Step Viewing-Sharing Protected Information, Visitors; Step-by-Step Viewing Password Protection, Reporting a Violation; Frequently Asked Questions; Practice Test 3. The student must be in good standing in the Nursing Program at the time they have met the criteria to be awarded this badge.

Evidence: To earn the badge, students need to provide the pre- and post-test module report for the HIPAA skills module tutorial, and a signed verification that they have completed all HIPAA lessons as per the Policy on HIPAA Privacy Rule Training for Students in the CSUCI Student Nurse Handbook. Submit electronic copy here or paper copy to Dr. Jaime Hannans.

Badge Issuer: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
