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Clinical Excellence in Nursing | Digital Badges for CI

Clinical Excellence in Nursing

Clinical Excellence

Badge Name:  Clinical Excellence in Nursing

Target Audience: CSU Channel Islands Senior Nursing Students (generic BSN)

Description: Clinical excellence in nursing award is a recognition of a student who has continually demonstrated effective nursing care in clinical rotations throughout their nursing program experiences. Clinical excellence is recognized by the following characteristics: organized, compassionate, competent, excellent communication skills, empathy, positive attitude, demonstrates leadership potential, provides peer-support, remains professional and self-motivated.

Criteria:  Individuals who earned this badge were nominated by nursing faculty, with a final vote of the majority made by nursing faculty. One student is selected for the Camarillo campus, and one student is selected for the Goleta campus BSN generic programs. The student must be in good standing in the Nursing Program at the time they have met the criteria to be awarded this badge.

Evidence: To earn the badge the student has to be nominated by a faculty member who provides verbal evidence to the nursing faculty explaining the characteristics the student demonstrated to earn the nomination.

Badge Issuer: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
