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Nurse Civility | Digital Badges for CI

Nurse Civility

Badge Name:  Nurse Civility Education

Target Audience: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Students and Faculty

Description: “Civility is an authentic respect for others requiring time, presence, a willingness to engage in genuine discourse, and an intention to seek common ground.” (Boise State University, 2016). ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses Section 1.5 states that nurses must “create an ethical environment and culture of civility and kindness, treating colleagues, co-workers, employees, students, and others with dignity and respect. Similarly, nurses must be afforded the same level of respect and dignity as others”.  Despite this statement, incivility in the nursing profession still exists. Research found that 85% of nurses in a community hospital in the Southwest had seen or experienced incivility/horizontal hostility in the hospital environment (Wilson, Diedrich, Phelps, & Choi, 2011). Of the 130 respondents nearly 90% said it was difficult to confront someone who was being uncivil, and 20% admitted to having called in sick because of a perceived hostile environment. In order to prevent this vicious cycle from continuing, nurse civility needs to be introduced earlier in the nursing school setting.

Criteria: Individuals who earned this badge completed three steps. First, complete the Nurse Scholar Café Learning Lab Modules 1-3 (Module 1: Civility, Incivility, and the Nursing Workplace, Module 2: Conflict and Conflict Management Styles, Module 3: Conflict Management for Nurses). Next, review the ANA Code of Ethics Section 1 and reflect on the relationship of the code of ethics and civility. Last, read the article Cindy’s ‘Five RITES’ for fostering student civility (Clark, 2014) and (for nursing students) What students can do to promote civility (Clark, 2010) or (for nursing faculty) Student’s, Jedi Knights, and the promise of civility (Clark, 2014).

Evidence: To earn the badge, individuals need to complete the Nurse Scholar Café Learning Lab Modules 1-3, view the ANA Code of Ethics, and read the articles on civility. The learner must complete the online survey as verification that they have completed the modules and reading.

Badge Issuer: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
