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Empathetic Caregiver | Digital Badges for CI

Empathetic Caregiver

Empathetic Caregiver

Badge Name:  Empathetic Caregiver

Target Audience: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Students

Description: Compassion and empathy are critical characteristics in nursing leading to patient-centered care, building trust in the patient-nurse relationship, opening lines of communication, and demonstrating respect for the needs of the patient. This student is recognized for self-awareness, seeing the world from another’s perspective, understanding other’s feelings, remaining non-judgmental, and communicating understanding to the individual (Wiseman, 1996). The American Associations of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of the Baccalaureate Education of Professional Nursing (2008) describes the baccalaureate nurse as the “human-link between the healthcare system and the patient” and “practices from a holistic, caring framework” (p. 7-8).

Criteria: Individuals who earned this badge have  been nominated by faculty, peer, patient, or other individual witnessing the student involved in nursing related activities (Nomination Form); and complete the QSEN Learning Module Three: Mindfulness: Implications for Safety, Self-Care and Empathy in Nursing Education, and have answered and submitted the reflective discussion questions at the end of the module. The nomination is made using the Empathetic Care Nomination Form. The form asks for the name of the student, date of the event witnessed, description of event and reason for recognition, and the name and email of the person who is submitting the form. The student must be in good standing in the Nursing Program at the time they have met the criteria to be awarded this badge.

Evidence: To earn the badge, students need to be nominated for the badge, complete the QSEN Learning Module 3, and submitted the their discussion responses from the module via this link or submit a paper copy to Dr. Jaime Hannans.

Badge Issuer: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
