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Community Service Recognition | Digital Badges for CI

Community Service Recognition

Service Learning 1Service Learning 2Service Learning 3

Badge Title:  Community Service Recognition

Target Audience: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Students

Description: Service-learning is integral to education at California State University Channel Islands, allowing student to link course content to experiential learning opportunities centering around community needs or issues. Following the CSU Channel Islands Policy on Service Learning (SP03-16-B), “Service learning is a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthens communities while engaging students in reflection upon what was experienced, how the community was benefited, and what was learned. Community Service hours are volunteer learning experiences outside the classroom, where nursing students have the opportunity to be involved with health related activities such as Community Organization Service, Health Assessment/Health Care Screening, Client Advocacy and Education, Immunization for Adults and Children, Establishment of Health Programs, Flu Shot Clinics, or Coordination with other members of the health care team. Community Service volunteer activities are coordinated through the Student Nurses Association or through CSU Channel Islands faculty.

Criteria:  Individuals who earned this badge have participated in community service activities as described. There are three potential badges to earn based upon the number of volunteer hours the student has participated in. The white star indicates 20-30 hours of community service; the silver star indicates 30-60 hours of community service; the red star indicates over 60 hours of community service. The student must be in good standing in the Nursing Program at the time they have met the criteria to be awarded this badge.

Evidence: To earn the badge, students need to provide documentation of community service volunteer hours using the ‘Community Service Form’ signed by the student advisor for the activities. Community service hours will be totaled for recognition by the date of the Nursing Pinning Ceremony each year. Students will also be required to write a one page reflection summary on the educational value and impact of the volunteer experiences submitted here or via paper copy to Dr. Jaime Hannans.

Badge Issuer: CSU Channel Islands Nursing Program

The Content created on this site is shared under a Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC Jaime Hannans
